


Helping poor communities in various part of the world

How to make a difference?

Many children in the world live in slum areas and are extremely poor. Most of the parents in the slum areas are illiterate and have very poor numeracy skills. As a result of their poor education, their job prospects are very limited to non-existent. The parents who manage to find work are paid very little for extremely hard labour and menial task, with most receiving less than $1 per day. The children of these impoverished family situations hardly have meals. The meals that are available are of such poor nutritional value that they suffer from malnutrition. In such a weak condition, illnesses that we consider a distant memory or much less life-threatening (such as cholera, tuberculosis and hepatitis) are common place. Unfortunately an education is a pipe-dream for many and the children are forced into work to help the family to survive.  Very young children are often seen carrying large bags while scouring the streets for rubbish to sell to recycling stations, earning less than 50c a day.
Our foundation help to provide one sound meal each day to the children. The meals are prepared, cooked and served to the children to guarantee that they will have a chance at improving their health and wellbeing. In addition, the whole family is monitored by the Community Support Department ensuring the entire family gets a helping hand.  We have many one-off donation options to provide help, such as bikes, family necessities and housing repairs.
Your donation of less than $2 a day will make a big difference.



The program focuses on finding the most cost effective ways to fight poverty. In our effort to do the most good possible, and encourage others to do the same, we often have to make the difficult decision to not promote causes that we really admire. Joining the fight against poverty was initially difficult because we acknowledge that $1 raised for poverty is $1 that could have been used to save someone's life. Making a conscious choice to spend money to increase the quality of a person's life is difficult to do when the alternative is saving a person's life. However, we have concluded that effectively fighting poverty could actually have a multiplier effect on saving a life.
If we save a person's life only to bring them into an environment of extreme poverty, then we have to discount the good we have done in saving the person's life. Using a measurement such as QALY or quality-adjusted life, we can begin to approximate the appropriate discount of saving someone’s life into an environment of extreme poverty where they could potentially spend all or part of their life suffering.
While these calculations certainly vary depending upon the direct impact of poverty on an individuals life, we cannot ignore the fact that poverty results in a net-loss of quality-adjusted life years for potential lives saved. Fighting poverty helps us positively impact the lives of those living in extreme poverty, some of whose lives may have been saved by some of our other efforts. 
Is fighting poverty a worthy cause? We believe so. Considering that poverty is so widespread and that interventions to fight poverty can be executed for such a reasonable cost, even donors on a budget can impact the lives of hundreds of people in need.
We are grateful to David Beckham for coming to visit the foundation and showing them love,giving them food, drinks and shelter. David has been donating 5000dollars every month towards the development and the well being of the little children in the Foundation. God bless you David,the prayers of the children remain with you.
The range for the deworm program is a result of the various locations where this initiative takes place. In India, where the infrastructure is vast, the cost is on the lower end of $0.30. For places where the program is newer or distribution is not as readily available (Kenya) the cost can be closer to the $0.81 range.

Help this children for the world to be a better place for the living...


Through personal experiences in life and visits around the world, I felt that help was needed and that there was a particular need to help the orphan children in the U.S and Africa.
It is very evident that there is no facility or government support in the area to help the parentless children begging in the streets. According to the UN it is estimated that there are over 4.8 million orphans in various country, with the number rising every year. Orphan children should be supported in a safe, sanctioned place where they can socialise, receive education and develop skills that will be useful throughout their lives. The Jason Orphanage Home is dedicated to the process of making that happen – but we need your help.
With your support & donations we will move one step closer towards our goal of lifting the most vulnerable and needy children out of poverty. Many businesses, community leaders and individuals are on board. Our community is clearly excited and eager to see this project succeed. You can be part of that by supporting Jason Statham.
Jason children foundation and charity home is a non-profit organisation and your donation is tax-deductible through Gift Aid.
I would like to thank you for considering this opportunity to help and donate to our organisation. If you have any queries regarding our organisation, our fund management policy, or the project itself, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you.             
                         Jason Statham 


     Jason Statham children foundation and charity home is a charity with an incredible track record. Together with our donors help, we have built an orphanage in various part of the world to help children without parents.
Our work focuses on assisting those around the world, especially in West Africa countries like Nigeria,Ghana,Benin Republic,e.t.c to lift them out of poverty and provide them with the necessities to live a meaningful existence.
We want all the children in our care to feel part of a global community and instill within them the values of tolerance, integrity and hard work. Our aim is to achieve this within a caring and nurturing environment which will allow children to develop valuable life skills as well as attain academic excellence.
In West Africa countries where both parents are often required to work in order to make ends meet, the loss of one parent (especially the father) can plunge any remaining children into severe hardship as well as significantly increase the risk of them being drawn in to child labour, sexual exploitation, or worse. We want to assist as many vulnerable orphans and children as possible.
Jason children foundation & charity home needs the support of donors worldwide to make its work possible – without you, we are nothing. Please continue to support us with your donations so that together we can make a difference.